How Massachusetts Beneficiaries Can Appeal a FEGLI Denial: A Comprehensive Guide

The Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) program provides life insurance benefits for federal employees and their beneficiaries. This coverage, which is crucial for families after the loss of a loved one, offers financial security when it is most needed. However, there are unfortunate instances where beneficiaries of a FEGLI policy face a denial of their claim. When this happens, the emotional stress of losing a loved one can be compounded by the anxiety of being denied the benefits they were counting on. Understanding the steps to appeal such a denial is essential, especially for Massachusetts residents who may be unfamiliar with the legal processes involved.

Understanding Why FEGLI Denials Occur

A denial of FEGLI benefits can be a daunting situation for beneficiaries. Denials can occur for various reasons, and while some may be simple misunderstandings or administrative errors, others can involve more complex legal or procedural issues. Common reasons for FEGLI denials include discrepancies in beneficiary designations, missed deadlines, or claims that the policyholder failed to follow the correct procedures when enrolling or updating their coverage. In some cases, there might be questions about whether the cause of death is covered under the policy, or whether the required premiums were paid. Navigating these issues can be challenging without the appropriate guidance, making it crucial for beneficiaries to understand the reasons for their denial and how to effectively appeal.

When beneficiaries receive a denial letter, they should carefully review the explanation provided. The letter will typically include the reason for the denial and information about the process for filing an appeal. Understanding this information is vital before moving forward, as each case may present unique factors that determine the best approach to take. While FEGLI denials can be complex, it is important to recognize that denial is not the end of the road. Beneficiaries do have the right to appeal and potentially secure the benefits they are entitled to.

Ted Treif (Partner)

Life insurance attorney since 1976

Barbara Olk (Retired)

Life insurance attorney since 1976

Eyal Dror (Associate)

Life Insurance Attorney since 2007

Steps to Take When You Receive a FEGLI Denial

If you have received a denial for a FEGLI claim, the first step is to act quickly. There are strict deadlines for appealing FEGLI denials, and missing these deadlines can severely impact your chances of a successful appeal. In most cases, you will have 30 days from the date of the denial to file an appeal. If you fail to meet this deadline, your right to appeal may be forfeited, making it much harder to obtain the benefits.

Once you have reviewed the denial letter and gathered any additional documents related to your case, the next step is to prepare your appeal. The appeal process generally involves submitting a written request for reconsideration, along with supporting documents that demonstrate why the denial was improper. This may include additional evidence that was not initially provided, such as proof of the policyholder’s premium payments or corrected beneficiary information. It is important to provide as much detail as possible in your appeal, addressing each point raised in the denial letter with factual, well-organized information.

In many cases, beneficiaries may feel overwhelmed by the paperwork and legal requirements involved in the appeal process. This is where having legal support can be invaluable. Massachusetts residents who are dealing with a FEGLI denial can benefit from consulting with attorneys who are experienced in handling these types of cases. An attorney can help to ensure that all necessary documents are included, that deadlines are met, and that your case is presented in the strongest possible light.

The Reconsideration Process and What to Expect

After submitting your written appeal, the reconsideration process will begin. During this phase, the Office of Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (OFEGLI) will review your appeal and any additional evidence provided. This review can take time, so it is important to remain patient while awaiting a decision. In some cases, OFEGLI may request additional documentation or clarification, which you should provide promptly to avoid further delays.

If the reconsideration process results in the approval of your claim, you will receive the benefits you are entitled to as a FEGLI beneficiary. However, if your appeal is denied again, you may have further options, including seeking a judicial review of the decision. This process can involve filing a lawsuit in federal court, which requires a more in-depth understanding of both insurance law and federal procedures. If you reach this stage, having legal representation is crucial, as court proceedings can be complex and time-consuming.

Life Insurance Denial Statistics


The annual average number of life insurance claims denied.

$50 Million

The yearly average dollar amount of claims denied by life insurance companies.


The number of claims appealed annually by consumers.

Filing a Lawsuit

When an appeal through OFEGLI is unsuccessful, beneficiaries may have the option to file a lawsuit in federal court. This is often the last recourse for beneficiaries who believe their FEGLI denial was unjustified. Filing a lawsuit is a serious step that requires significant preparation and legal knowledge, as federal insurance cases involve specific procedures and legal standards that must be followed. For Massachusetts residents, this means filing the lawsuit in the appropriate federal district court and complying with all local court rules.

In court, your case will be reviewed by a judge, and in some situations, a trial may be required. You will need to present evidence supporting your claim, and the insurance company will have the opportunity to defend their decision to deny your benefits. These types of cases can be highly technical, with a focus on interpreting insurance policy language, administrative records, and federal regulations. Beneficiaries should understand that winning a court case is not guaranteed, and the process can be lengthy. However, for those who believe they have been wrongfully denied, this may be the only option left to secure the benefits.

Because of the high stakes involved in federal court litigation, working with an attorney can make all the difference. A lawyer who has experience in handling FEGLI denials will know how to navigate the legal system and advocate for your rights in court. They will be able to advise you on the strength of your case, help you gather the necessary evidence, and represent you throughout the court proceedings. While pursuing a lawsuit can be a difficult decision, it is sometimes the best way to obtain justice for beneficiaries who have been wrongly denied benefits.

Settlements & Verdicts

$3 Million Policy

William Penn Life Insurance

$1.2 Million Policy


$1.5 Million Policy

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

$1 Million Policy

Protective Life Insurance

$675,000 Settlement

Confidential Settlement

$4.3 Million Policy

State Farm, Primerica, Farmers, BrightHouse

Why Legal Representation Matters in FEGLI Denial Appeals

Appealing a FEGLI denial is a challenging process that requires attention to detail, thorough preparation, and a solid understanding of the law. While it is possible for beneficiaries to handle the process on their own, having legal representation can significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome. Attorneys who are experienced in handling FEGLI denials know what to look for in the denial letter, how to gather the necessary documents, and how to present a compelling appeal.

One of the key benefits of working with an attorney is that they can provide a level of objectivity and experience that is difficult to achieve when you are emotionally invested in the outcome. After losing a loved one, it can be overwhelming to navigate the appeals process, especially when dealing with complex legal terms and requirements. An attorney can help to alleviate some of this stress by guiding you through the process and handling the legal aspects of your case.

For Massachusetts residents, it is important to choose an attorney who is familiar with both FEGLI claims and the specific legal landscape of the state. Each state has its own legal system and rules that can affect how a case is handled, so having local knowledge can be a significant advantage. An attorney who has successfully handled FEGLI denials before will understand the nuances of the law and be able to anticipate potential challenges in your case. This can make the difference between a successful appeal and a prolonged legal battle.

If you are a Massachusetts resident facing a denial of FEGLI benefits, you do not have to go through the process alone. The attorneys at Trief & Olk are experienced in handling FEGLI denials and can help guide you through the appeals process. From reviewing your denial letter to preparing and filing an appeal, they will work with you to ensure that all aspects of your case are handled properly. The firm is dedicated to helping clients secure the benefits they deserve and has a strong track record of success in insurance-related disputes.

If your initial appeal is unsuccessful, Trief & Olk can also represent you in federal court, should it be necessary to file a lawsuit. With their extensive experience and commitment to client advocacy, you can trust that your case is in good hands. To learn more about how Trief & Olk can assist you with your FEGLI denial appeal, contact them today for a consultation. Their team is ready to help you navigate the complex legal process and achieve the best possible outcome for your case.