Understanding Life Insurance Lapse in Massachusetts: Legal Guidance for Beneficiaries

Life insurance policies provide financial security and peace of mind for both policyholders and their beneficiaries. In Massachusetts, as in other states, the promise of financial stability can be jeopardized when a life insurance policy lapses. A lapse occurs when the policyholder fails to pay the required premiums, and as a result, the insurance coverage terminates. This can leave beneficiaries without the financial support they were expecting. Understanding the legal implications surrounding life insurance lapse in Massachusetts is crucial for beneficiaries, as it can significantly impact their ability to claim the benefits they were counting on.

When a policy lapses, it creates a complicated situation that may involve various legal challenges. Beneficiaries often find themselves in difficult positions, wondering if they have any recourse to reclaim the benefits or if the lapse is permanent. Massachusetts law offers protections for policyholders and beneficiaries, but navigating these legal waters can be complex. The key for beneficiaries is to understand how a life insurance lapse works, what legal rights they have, and what options are available to recover benefits in such circumstances.

Understanding Life Insurance Lapse in Massachusetts

A life insurance lapse typically occurs when the policyholder fails to make premium payments on time. Life insurance companies usually provide a grace period, during which the policyholder can still make a payment and keep the policy active. However, if the grace period expires without payment, the policy lapses, and coverage ceases. This lapse can leave beneficiaries with no benefits unless certain legal actions are taken to challenge the lapse or recover benefits.

In Massachusetts, insurers are required to notify policyholders before a lapse occurs, giving them a final opportunity to pay the overdue premium. If a policy lapses due to non-payment, it is usually considered terminated. However, there are some circumstances under which the policy may be reinstated, such as if the policyholder can prove that they missed payments due to certain extenuating circumstances, including illness or incapacity.

For beneficiaries, a lapsed policy means that the benefits they were promised may not be available when the policyholder passes away. However, Massachusetts law provides some protections for beneficiaries in cases where the policyholder’s failure to pay premiums was not intentional or where the insurance company did not follow proper procedures before canceling the policy.

Ted Treif (Partner)

Life insurance attorney since 1976

Barbara Olk (Retired)

Life insurance attorney since 1976

Eyal Dror (Associate)

Life Insurance Attorney since 2007

Legal Rights of Beneficiaries in a Life Insurance Lapse

When a life insurance policy lapses, beneficiaries may still have legal recourse. Massachusetts law protects policyholders and beneficiaries from arbitrary cancellations and requires insurance companies to follow specific procedures before terminating a policy. If the insurer fails to adhere to these requirements, beneficiaries may be able to challenge the lapse and seek recovery of benefits.

One common issue arises when the insurance company fails to send proper notices to the policyholder, warning them of the impending lapse. Insurers are legally obligated to provide a grace period and notify policyholders before a lapse occurs. If these notifications were not sent in compliance with Massachusetts law, beneficiaries may have grounds to challenge the lapse and claim the life insurance benefits. Additionally, if the policyholder was incapacitated or otherwise unable to make payments, beneficiaries might be able to argue that the lapse was not intentional and seek reinstatement of the policy.

Beneficiaries should consult with a qualified attorney to explore their options when dealing with a lapsed life insurance policy. Legal action may be necessary to hold the insurance company accountable and ensure that the benefits are paid. Each case is unique, and the specific facts surrounding the policy lapse will play a critical role in determining the available legal options.


We contacted Trief & Olk to help us with a life insurance issue and Shelly Friedland was the attorney assigned to our case. Before Shelly took our case she explained to us that the likelihood of our success without going to court was possible but not likely. Unfortunately we did not get the outcome we had hoped for but it was our decision to not move forward and have our case litigated. Shelly is very knowledgeable and was very straight-forward in her assessment of our case as we moved forward. She was very patient and thorough in answering our questions. She always responded in a timely manner and listened to our concerns. We would certainly recommend Shelly and would use her firm again in the future.”

- John Ramig


If there is any possibility of winning your life insurance case – this is the place to do it for you. They are efficient, honest and will achieve the best possible outcome.

Shelly Friedland worked on my case where a life insurance policy had lapsed and was even a few days beyond the grace period. Farmers had rejected my claim twice and was unwilling to take a second look. Shelly was able to get them to pay the entire claim without going to court, and the full amount was deposited in my account within a couple months. Highest recommendation.”

- Kathleen Brown


Trief & Olk is a superior law firm. Their attorneys and other legal professionals have a brilliant understanding of the law and the litigation process. They diligently perform their work in an efficient, strategic and cost-effective manner to ensure the best possible outcomes for their clients.

- Christopher Hughes

Challenging a Life Insurance Lapse in Massachusetts Courts

In some cases, beneficiaries may need to file a lawsuit to challenge a life insurance lapse. This legal action typically involves arguing that the insurance company did not comply with the necessary legal requirements before allowing the policy to lapse. For example, if the insurer failed to provide proper notice or did not give the policyholder adequate time to make a payment, beneficiaries may have a case for wrongful lapse.

Massachusetts courts have seen numerous cases where beneficiaries successfully challenged a lapse based on improper actions by the insurance company. The outcome of such cases depends on the specific facts involved, including whether the insurer followed the law in terminating the policy. If the court finds that the insurance company wrongfully canceled the policy, beneficiaries may be entitled to the full life insurance benefits, even though the policy lapsed.

A lawsuit can be a lengthy and complex process, but for beneficiaries who are denied benefits due to a policy lapse, it may be the only way to recover what they are rightfully owed. Working with an experienced attorney who understands the nuances of Massachusetts insurance law is essential for beneficiaries pursuing legal action in these cases.

Reinstatement of a Lapsed Life Insurance Policy

In some situations, it may be possible to reinstate a lapsed life insurance policy. Massachusetts law allows policyholders to request reinstatement of a policy within a specific time frame after a lapse, provided certain conditions are met. For instance, the policyholder must pay any overdue premiums, along with interest, and may be required to provide evidence of insurability, such as undergoing a medical examination.

Beneficiaries may encourage reinstatement if they can demonstrate that the lapse occurred due to circumstances beyond the policyholder’s control. For example, if the policyholder missed premium payments because of a medical condition or mental incapacity, reinstatement may be possible. However, insurance companies have discretion in granting reinstatement, and the process can be challenging.

When a policyholder passes away after a lapse but before the policy is reinstated, beneficiaries may have additional legal challenges in recovering benefits. In such cases, the insurance company might deny the claim, citing the lapsed status of the policy. At this point, beneficiaries should seek legal counsel to determine whether reinstatement is possible posthumously or if there are other legal avenues to pursue.

Settlements & Verdicts

$3 Million Policy

William Penn Life Insurance

$1.2 Million Policy


$1.5 Million Policy

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

$1 Million Policy

Protective Life Insurance

$675,000 Settlement

Confidential Settlement

$4.3 Million Policy

State Farm, Primerica, Farmers, BrightHouse

Steps for Beneficiaries When a Life Insurance Policy Lapses

When beneficiaries discover that a life insurance policy has lapsed, their first step should be to gather all relevant documentation, including the policy, premium payment records, and any correspondence from the insurance company. It is important to review the terms of the policy to understand the specific conditions for lapse and reinstatement.

Next, beneficiaries should contact the insurance company to inquire about the lapse and determine whether any options for reinstatement exist. If the insurer claims that proper notice was given before the lapse, beneficiaries should request copies of the notifications. If there is evidence that the insurer failed to provide the required notices, beneficiaries may have grounds to challenge the lapse.

Consulting with an attorney is critical during this process, as life insurance law can be complicated. An attorney can help beneficiaries navigate the legal aspects of challenging a lapse and work to ensure that their rights are protected. In some cases, beneficiaries may be able to reach a settlement with the insurance company without going to court. However, if the insurer refuses to reinstate the policy or pay the benefits, legal action may be necessary.

The lapse of a life insurance policy can have devastating consequences for beneficiaries, leaving them without the financial support they were expecting. However, Massachusetts law provides protections for policyholders and beneficiaries, and in some cases, it may be possible to challenge a lapse and recover benefits. Understanding the legal rights of beneficiaries, the requirements for insurance companies, and the options for reinstating a lapsed policy are essential for those facing this challenging situation.

If you are a beneficiary dealing with a lapsed life insurance policy in Massachusetts, seeking legal counsel is critical. The legal team at Trief & Olk has extensive experience handling life insurance disputes, including cases involving policy lapses. Our attorneys understand the complexities of Massachusetts insurance law and are committed to helping beneficiaries recover the benefits they deserve. Contact Trief & Olk today to discuss your case and explore your legal options. We offer personalized legal assistance and are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients.