Yearly Archives: 2020

Trief & Olk Victorious on Appeal in $3 Million Life Insurance Case

Life Insurance Policies with Vanishing Premiums – and Vanishing Policies

UPDATED NOVEMBER 11, 2020: Trief & Olk defeated a second challenge to its successful $3 million verdict against William Penn Life Insurance Company of New York (“William Penn”).  On September 15, 2020, the New York Court of Appeals (New York’s highest court) rejected William Penn’s motion to hear its appeal of the decision of the […]

If You Want Your Children to Receive Your Life Insurance Proceeds, Designate Them as the Beneficiaries, Not a Romantic Partner, Friend, or Relative

New York Life Insurance Claim Lawyer

How to Choose Your Beneficiary Whether You are Married or Unmarried When a married person with children obtains life insurance (whether purchasing it directly or receiving it as a benefit of employment), the usual practice is to designate the spouse as the beneficiary, assuming that any life insurance proceeds would be used to support the […]

Why Do Life Insurance Companies Deny Claims

Many people apply for, and obtain, life insurance policies as a way to help their loved ones after they have passed away. Through difficult times, a life insurance policy can provide surviving beneficiaries with much-needed financial support, offering a sense of comfort and relief. Unfortunately, some life insurance companies look for any excuse to deny […]